Due to nut allergies please DO NOT PROVIDE NUTS in your child’s lunch or snack, including peanut butter and chocolate spreads.
The government allocates a pot of money to schools for each registered free school dinner pupil. If eligible children are not registered by parents, we don’t get to receive this funding.
At Clutton School, we use this money to help parents fund school trips, provide additional school resources and provide additional support that we may not be able to otherwise afford. Please have a look at our Pupil Premium page for reports on how this money is spent.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)
Children in EYFS and KS1 are covered by a universal infant free school meal (UIFSM) government initiative.
Every child in Key stage 1 or EYFS will offered the opportunity to have a 'free school meal' under this initiative.
This scheme will stop when your child enters key stage 2 - unless you are eligible for the Pupil Premium grant.
Officially claiming your ‘Free School Meal’ can help your child in school.
Find out more by speaking to our office or contact the Free School Meals Team in confidence by emailing freeschoolmeals@bathnes.gov.uk or calling 01225 394317.
You only need your child’s name, date of birth and your National Insurance Number and the Free School Meals Service will do the rest.
You can register your entitlement for Free School Meals if you have children who attend a school in Bath and North East Somerset or children who attend The Mendip School, Shepton Mallet, and receive the following benefits:
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. For more details on how this money is allocated in the current year, please refer to the Pupil Premium page.
If you think that you qualify for Free school Meals based on benefit received, please visit the BANES website here