Here at Clutton Primary we recognise that the ability to read, both for information gathering and for pleasure, is the fundamental key that unlocks life-long learning. Along side daily guided reading, each class has story time read by the teacher.
All our children have access to high quality, recommended fiction and non-fiction texts and are read to daily by class teachers. They even have access to their own reading pod at lunchtimes. Older children take on the responsibility of becoming reading buddies for children in EYFS.
See Phonics section below for more information on the progression of phonics teaching, information on Letters and Sounds and Teacher modelling videos.
Opportunities for children to read out loud to a variety of audiences
For example, reading self composed prayers at Bath Abbey, performing at the Trust Poetry Slam, and Speak Out competitions.
This encourages children to read fluently, with expresssion and with an awareness of their audience.
By the time children leave Clutton in Year 6, they need to be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
See Phonics section below for more information on Letters and Sounds and Teacher modelling videos
We carefully plan opportunities for children to demonstrate their writing skills and knowledge across the wider curriculum. An example being, a non-chronological report about deforestation and the rainforest (KS2).
Phonics and Reading Schemes:
As soon as children start primary school, they will have at least 20 minutes daily dedicated phonics teaching, learning letters and sounds to build words and the necessary skills to decode for meaning.
This is taught through step by step scheme, called Little Wandle which is based on Letter and Sounds, which works alongside learning to write.Children enjoy sharing traditional tales, nursery rhymes and songs to help develop communication and language skills.
Phonics reading books are regularly changed and sent home, helping parents support learning that has taken place in the school day, and helping children develop fluency and confidence.
Children also have a sharing book, which we encourage parents to read with their child.
How we Teach Phonics:
In Term 1, parents are invited to a workshop to help understand how phonics are taught
See Cherry Class webpage for more videos and guidance on sound formation in school and how they can support their child in the first stages of reading. Parents are also invited to stay for regular stay and read sessions in class.